
May 31 A4 stage in the historic YMCA building in Bratislava, Slovakia         (A video of one of their A4 sessions can be found at the bottom of this page)

June 1  Kunsttankstelle Ottakring gallery, opening night of the Grundstein Festival, Vienna, Austria

June 4  Stiegenhausmusik performance space, Innsbruck Austria

June 5  Kunsttankstelle Ottakring gallery, during the Grundstein Festival, Vienna, Austria

Dafna Naphtali (USA) – voice & electronics, live sound manipulations   Edith Lettner (AUT) – alto & soprano saxophones, duduk

The Tour

Over a 6 day period in late Spring (2019) Edith did a 4 concert tour of improvised music with Dafna Naphtali.  Dafna is an award winning New York based, singer-instrumentalist- electronic musician. She composes & performs experimental, interactive electro-acoustic music drawing on a wide ranging musical background in jazz, classical, rock and near-eastern music. Dafna collaborates and performs frequently, has recorded several CDs, teaches courses at NYU in New York (Electronic Music Performance among others) and is well known and respected in the genre).

One of Dafna’s long-running projects is live sound-processing of voice and acoustic Instruments as a performable “instrument”. The current focus is on duos with acoustic Instrumentalists; this of course is where Edith comes in

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. The two met at an ensemble performance in Brooklyn in 2017 where both women quickly realized they wanted to work together. In March 2018 they recorded a studio session at New York University, which they plan to release on CD in 2019. This recent tour in Europe was a natural next step in their evolving collaboration.

Their first gig was in Bratislava, Slovakia at a charming old building that used to belong to the YMCA. It has since been converted into a collection of various performing venues and cafes/bars. Edith and Dafna performed on the A4 venue stage that featured top-notch lighting and acoustical eqipment along with skilled technicians to configure and operate it. (A video of one of the A4 sessions can be viewed at the bottom of this page)

Next they were off to Edith’s home turf, Vienna, where they performed at the Kunsttankstelle Ottakring for an opening night performance of the Grundstein Festival. This long running annual festival takes in a entire city block of art galleries and was originally conceived as the antitheses of, and alternative to, the traditional commercially- oriented art festivals. Unfortunately while setting up for the gig, someone who was assisting them knocked Edith’s soprano sax over onto the concrete floor damaging some of the mechanism and resulting in two keys defective valves. The horn has since been professionally repaired, but for the duration of the tour, Edith had to play with the damage instrument. Relying on skill, experience and mastery of on-the-spot improvising she quickly came up with way to temporarily “repair” the instrument through adaptive playing techniques: those in attendance had no idea she was performing with a malfunctioning saxophone.

They too advantage of a two day break and leisurely motored their way in the direction of Innsbruck, the location of their next concert. The first night was spent at Edith’s primary Austrian residence in the little village of Pisching about an hour and a half out of Vienna by car. The next evening saw them in Linz, the city where Edith was born. The following morning they were off on a beautiful drive through Alpine mountain valleys to Innsbruck.

The Innsbruck venue, Stiegenhausmusik, is unlike any other in Austria and perhaps in the entire world. It is an old,narrow building with 3 walk-up stories plus a basement, and it is located in an old industrial area situated right next to a railroad switching yard (complete with roundhouse). For many years now it has housed the shared artist studio of Daniela Maria Span & Peter Warum, who beginning in 2012 have organized performances of alternative and improvisational music. Audience seating is on the four flights of stairs between the basement and the top floor. Typically artists also perform in the stairway, either using it as a stepped space for movement or setting up on one or more of small landings between floors; Edith did both while Dafna stationed herself and her electronics on a middle landing. It makes for a very intimate scene and contrary to what might be expected in a stairwell, one with remarkably good acoustics. As an added feature the sounds of passing trains join in every performance, and as with Edith and Dafna, are generally welcome and skilfully incorporated into the music. It should be noted that it was a full house for their performance with several long-time, regular attendees maintaining that the audience response was the most enthusiastic they had ever witnessed.

Next was a five hour drive from Innsbruck to Vienna and their last performance of the tour

. This again was at the Kunsttankstelle Ottakring gallery during the Grundstein Festival. Edith and Dafna played wonderfully as always, and the well attended gig went off without a hitch.

 Edith and Dafna are working long distance to ready a CD from music they recorded at the studios of NYU in 2018. They anticipate its release sometime in the second half of 2019

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