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2018 | Salt Spring Island Gallery of Fine Art, (Salt Spring Island, Canada) |
2017 | LINZ AG Kunstforum (Linz, Austria) |
2015 | ShapeShifter Lab, Brooklyn, (New York) |
2014 | Cornelia Street Café, Greenwich Village, (New York) |
2012 – 2017 | Kunst zu Recht- Justizzentrum (Vienna, Austria), group exhibition |
2010 | Grünraum, (Vienna, Austria) |
2006 |
Warum.Kunst.Raum (Wels, Austria)
Galerie CdB, Landeskulturzentrum Ursulinenhof (Linz, Austria) |
2005 | Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria), with Renée Kellner |
2003 | Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria) – art project “X-Change” with Rackie Diankha,
Musée de L’Ifan (Dakar, Senegal) – art project “X-Change” with Rackie Diankha |
2002 | Biennale Dak’ art (Dakar, Senegal), workshop and group exhibition at “Village des Arts”
Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria), group exhibition |
2001 | Vienna International Center (United Nations in Vienna, Austria)
Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria), with Renée Kellner Salzburger Jazz-Herbst, group exhibition curated by Bank Austria-Kunstforum and ORF/Ö1 (Salzburg, Austria) Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria), group exhibition |
2000 | Siebensterngalerie (Vienna, Austria) |
1999 | Papiermachermuseum Steyrermühl (Upper Austria)
Galerie im Allgemeinen Krankenhaus (Vienna, Austria) |
1996 | Vienna Hilton (Vienna, Austria) |
1993 | Städtische Galerie (Traun, Austria) |
1992 | Tabakmuseum (Vienna, Austria)
Galerie Impressionen (Vienna, Austria) Galerie am Neuen Palais (Potsdam, Germany), with two artists from Berlin Bank Austria (Linz, Austria) |
1990 | IKARUS (Vienna, Austria) |
1989 | Galerie EL PASO art (Zurich, Switzerland) |
1988 | Galerie CDB Landeskulturzentrum Ursulinenhof (Linz, Austria)
BAWAG (Linz, Austria) |
1987 | United Art Gallery (Vienna, Austria)
Galerie Carpe Diem (Vienna, Austria) Theaterbrett (Vienna, Austria) Casino (Linz, Austria) |
1986 | Galerie Carpe Diem (Vienna, Austria) |
1983 | Raiffeisenkasse (Linz, Austria)
Hypobank (Linz, Austria) |
1980 | First exhibition: watercolor paintings, Kapu Linz (Linz, Austria) |