Performances in Morocco
April 4 Concert performances with Saad Tiouly & his Gnawa ensemble at the F.O.L. Maroc Stage, Casablanca: Edith Lettner – alto saxophone, Karim Chajry – vocals, Saad Tiouly – guembri and vocals, ensemble – karkabou, vocals & dance
April 5 performance and jam session at Casa del Arte, Casablanca.: Edith Lettner – alto saxophone, Karim Chajry – guitar, drums & vocals, Mehdi Chajry – guitar, percussion & vocals
April 6 performance at Cafe Medina, Casablanca: Edith Lettner – alto saxophone, Karim Chajry – guitar, percussion & vocals, Mehdi Chajry – guitar, percussion & vocals
April 12 jam session with Said Boulhimas, & fellow musicians at the De Remparts Cafe, Essaouira Said Boulhimas – guembri and vocals, Edith Lettner – alto saxophone, Karim Chajry – guitar & vocals, Various local musicians – guembri, karkabou and vocals
Videos from two of the Casablanca concerts can be viewed at the bottom of this page
Edith wishes to extend a special thanks to the Austrian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco for their much appreciated support of the Morocco tour

The Tour
Edith recently returned from a two week tour with singer and guitarist Karim Chajry in Morocco where she performed in three concerts, jammed with local musicians, made new contacts and friends and immersed herself in the adventure that every new day brought her way.
She flew into Marrakesh on April 1st accompanied by her assistant and video cameraman Jack Nealon and photographer Andrea Talabér. They boarded a train to Casablanca the same day where they stayed in the family home of her fellow musician and colleague, Karim Chajry. Their multi generational home is located in a traditional neighbourhood devoid of tourists and alive with the sights and sounds of street marketers, shop and cafe owners and their customers, and a constant flow of people going about their business on streets and sidewalks. All of this is emphatically punctuated from time to time with the intermittent growls of motor vehicles of all discriptions. City wide Casablanca (which simply means white house) is a marvel – a non-stop feast for the senses populated in its diversity by warm, welcoming, energetic people; and it ignited and fuelled Edith’s exuberance, creativity and imagination.
After 9 days, and three concerts, two with Karim’s brother, percussionist Mehdi Chajry it was time to leave Casablanca. Karim, Edith, Andrea and Jack rented a small car that was barely big enough to hold all the luggage let alone the four them
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Upon leaving Essaouira they drove inland to Marrakesh where, unknown to them a city wide party was in full swing, as was a world-class traffic jam and fully booked hotels, B&Bs, and every other sort of lodging. Preparing for the real possibility that they and their luggage would have to spend the night in a city park, a helpful stranger eventually assisted in locating an available apartment. A couple of low-key days of R&R followed in Marrakesh before flying back to Vienna on April 15th.
This was a wonderful two weeks filled with Gnawa music, jazz and African tunes, a thousand new vistas, and the people of Morocco. Edith wishes to extend a special thanks to the Austrian Embassy in Rabat, Morocco for their much appreciated support of the Morocco tour and to Karim Chajry and his family for their kindness and generosity that made her time in Casablanca very special.