photo: Helmut Edinger
Edith Lettner composes music for band projects, film and theater.
In 2005 she founded her own ensemble Freemotion, in 2010 the African Jazz Spirit project in Senegal, and in 2018 the quintet Delight in New York. To all three projects she contributes her own compositions in very special ways.
Edith Lettner’s interests lie primarily in jazz, free improvisation, African music and music from diverse regions in the Middle East. She plays alto and soprano saxophone and duduk, an Armenian woodwind instrument. She performs and records internationally with numerous unique musicians and bands.
Her frequent collaboration with musicians from other cultures and artists from other art genres has made her an incredibly versatile artistic personality.
Techniques: water colors, oil paintings, drawings.
She has exhibited her work in many galleries and venues in Europe, North America and Africa and has staged painting performances in collaboration with various jazz musicians. Her music and painting cross-fertilize each other. Motion, dynamic, intense expression and improvisation form the bridge that interconnects her two artistic genres.
TRes Drei Trio: Antonio Longo- drums, perc., Antonio Aiello- double bass, Edith Lettner – alto & soprano sax, duduk
A vinyl record is in the process of being pressed and will be available for purchase soon. In the meantime, you can sample all 16 tracks by clicking on the orange button below.
After extensive and dedicated work, Beklen Band presents their debut album. This release offers a rich musical journey, ranging from lively and fun pop tunes to intense and dramatic rock ballads. The album explores a variety of genres, including ethnic sounds and challenging jazz-fusion elements.
Entirely performed with acoustic-electric instruments and sung with a beautiful voice, this album is cleverly arranged and a delight to listen to. Enjoy the organic sound and captivating melodies that make this album a unique listening experience.
released September 7, 2024
Available now as an MP3 download.
To sample or purchase go to
Edith and her fellow VOYAGERS, musicians Yacouba Sissoko (kora and vocals) and Banning Eyre (guitar) Recorded “Chasing Light” their first VOYAGERS CD mid February 2020. Covid 19 disruptions caused significant delays, but the CD is finally out on the Lion Songs label.
Two official New York release concerts for “Chasing Light” were held on March 30, 2022 in Manhattan and April 1, 2022 in Brooklyn . Both had a packed house with an enthusiastic, cheering and clapping audience who were left wanting more. The concerts were followed by a spate of wonderful press reviews from all over the globe.
For more information about VOYAGERS and to purchase “Chasing Light” click on the button below
Edith and Beate Reiermann (acoustic & electric guitar) recorded their first Travel Diaries in 2021 with special guest Maria Petrova (drums and percussion). It’s been released on the artdialogue label and is distributed by Preiser Records. Their release concert was performed at REIGEN in Vienna, Austria on July 3rd, 2021.
The vibrant new album of improvisational music, We Q, by Edith and electro-acoustic artist and singer Dafna Naphtali was released in Sept 2020. It was recorded at the Doland Studio on the NYU campus in Manhattan, and released by the Danish label, CLANG. To find out more and sample this unique, innovative music click on the link below
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